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Selected area in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2024-08-26Updated:2024-08-26
Similar words: selectedprotected areaprojected areaselected objectunselectedelectedelected officialself-selection
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1) They live in a very select area.
2) States select areas for program operation.
3) Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas where the prevailing local pay level was higher.
4) The selected area of a faced sample or hand specimen must be marked with water insoluble felt tip pen before cutting.
5) The ad was airing in only selected areas,[ area.html] although the campaign would not say where.
6) Remove all borders in the selected area.
7) Applies the Underlined attribute to the selected area.
8) If the image is larger then the selected area, you will only see the upper left part of it.
9) Selected area electron diffraction ( SAED ) illustrates that its crystal structure is 2 H type graphite.
10) In the Search Results Selected area, select a few search results you definitely want to keep.
11) Fill the entire image (or selected area) using current fill style.
12) When you're done, click on the selected area and activate the Move tool (V) then drag that area to our canvas.
13) Make sure that the selected area doesn't "eat" too much of the shadow below the icon.
14) Magnification function: The selected area can be magnified at will to make key points clearer.
15) Additional information technology product sectors will be studied together with selected areas in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industries.
16) He introduced colour printing of one-inch maps and caused the resumption of publication of 6-inch maps of selected areas.
17) A key point of the plan, the president said, is to allow growth in selected areas.
18) To whiten teeth in Photoshop, simply click with the oversized brush into the selected area, each click will brighten your selection up a bit more.
19) If you check this box, the selected image will be scaled to match the height or width of the selected area - whichever is reached first.
20) A selection method is described to select the interested object areas in binary image, and a new general tracking boundary algorithm is proposed to acquire the outside boundary of the selected area.
21) If you check this box, the selected image will be scaled to fit the total size of the selected area.
22) The crystal structure and its lattice parameter of sapphire single crystal grown by EFG method was determined by selected area diffraction of transmission electron micrograph (TEM).
23) Move, rotate, scale or apply perspective transformation to the selected area.
24) Users can apply various color filters or toning techniques available and freely control the brightness, contrast as well as structure at the selected area on the image.
25) Use the Lasso-Tool and draw a triangle shaped form. When it's active, use a brush to paint outside the selected area to get this cool effect.
26) Wireless communication systems typically include a plurality of base stations strategically located to provide wireless communication coverage over a selected area or region.
27) When it's active, use a brush to paint outside the selected area to get this cool effect.
28) These are useful tools for identifying and investigating areas of code with low coverage, because they highlight the selected area of code by opening it in the appropriate viewer or editor.
More similar words: selectedprotected areaprojected areaselected objectunselectedelectedelected officialself-selectiondiesel-electricpopulated areaprohibited areaselectneglectedinflectedreflectedcollectedcontaminated areadeselectselectorself-directedrecollecteduncollectedselectiveselectionselectingselectablereflected waveselectivityselectivelyselect group
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